Doing a special promotion at the moment for yearly subscribers to our Substack. If you haven’t joined over here yet I’m really looking at doing so much with this platform, including releasing some of the films I’ve got coming up on it, monthly meet ups where you can meet up with us and other parents and discuss the issues you’ve got going on, articles, opportunities to participate with the show and so much more.
I love what I do with Dad Talk Today, at the end of the day I hate social media. This platform allows me to focus on the content and to offer more premium content to you guys. In order to make that we need our people to support us. With that being said, for every one of our yearly subscribers I’m giving a choice of a free T-shirt or a free Tumblr as you see pictured below. It’s your choice. If you are a yearly subscriber, please message me with the item of your choice, design and which size.
This offer is valid for yearly subscribers that have already signed up. I want to thank you and this is my way of doing it. If you have not signed up yet once you do, please message me with the same details. Unfortunately I cannot offer this to monthly members at this time only yearly subscriptions.
Your subscription will give you access to the films that we are making and everything that we are offering on that platform including the meet ups. This helps us continue to make the content that we love to make but it also allows us to take the next step in pursuing our passion. I’ve got a lot of plans coming up guys.
Thank you for supporting Dad Talk!
Thanks, Eric, for the offer. But I would like to pass. I would rather you use my entire annual fee to help your cause. No need to give me anything back. You can even use my fee for a pizza dinner for you and your family if you want to.
I've already purchased both this Tshirt and the DTT tumbler (best one I have btw). I got the t-shirt for myself but my son found it and has claimed it as his own ;)
I agree with Father X. No need to give us anything. We're here to support you. Keep doing you.